469-200-2830 sean@360wm.net

Should my advisor be a CFP?

How important is it for your financial advisor to have the Certified Financial Planner credential? My short answer to this question: not as important as most CFP certificants would have you believe. While the Certified Financial Planner certification (CFP) holds a lot...

What could go wrong? Dying before your family has enough money

As soon as somebody depends on you financially, you need life insurance. Most of us know this, but for some pretty good reasons, we don’t really want to think about it. To start, someone has to die for life insurance to be of use. Also, buying a policy means putting a...

One Time the IRS is Actually Fair: RMDs

Yes, that’s right–I said it: sometimes, the IRS is fair in financial planning. One case this is true is in how IRA required minimum distributions are treated. Seasons of Life and Financial Planning Throughout our lives, we have rites of passage. On your first...

Who We Like To Work With

The people that we can best help are looking for a team they can get to know, like, and trust. They want and need to feel their team is competent and unquestionably looking out for their best interest. They want help in simplifying their life – and not just their...

When should I start my social security benefits?

One of the most important questions that we help people answer is, “When should I start my Social Security benefits?” Social Security has been around a long time, and most of us are familiar with the program. It has become fashionable in recent years to malign the...